The editorial board of Amity Journal of Media and Mass Communication studies, Rajasthan would like to invite research papers / articles from scholars for the next issue of Amity Journal of Media and mass Communication Studies, AUR, Jaipur. The journal aims at publishing original, research-based papers and articles on topics such as Digital Media Vs traditional media , scope and challenges of online media, role of digital media in brand promotion, media and democracy, media and ethics , role of media in governance, media vis-à-vis laws and regulation, media and corporate social responsibility, digital media as a tool of advertising ,technology and media , contemporary cinema, issues in public relations and corporate communication, gender and media, current advertising practices in the Indian and global context. The journal is published to disseminate the latest information in the field of media research and media development.
The Journal is interested in research which:
1. Formulates and explores new conceptual models.
2. Reports relevant survey research findings.
3. Integrates or synthesizes different field of understanding.
4. Tests work- related hypothesis of practical significance.
5. Evaluates the results of field experiments and case studies.
6. Summarizes and evaluates areas of new understanding.
7. Presents new insights into major issues within the media and communication.
1. Relevance.
2. Utility.
3. Scope of interest.
4. Organization and coherence.
5. Insight for future work.
The above guidelines must be kept in mind while sending contributions. Contributions that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be considered.
The author(s) should clearly mention under what area of interest the abstract is to be included. Abstract shall be continues text without any paragraphs/sections and references. it should include the name of the authors with designation and workplace. They should adhere to the following:
Length 250-400 words excluding title/cover page and references
Margins 2.5 cm or 1 inch
Font Times New Roman, 12 point
Spacing 1.5 lines
Title page Title, author(s) affiliation(s) , contact details Key words Four The abstract that are approved by the reviewers wills be selected.
The Journal is interested in research which:
1. Formulates and explores new conceptual models.
2. Reports relevant survey research findings.
3. Integrates or synthesizes different field of understanding.
4. Tests work- related hypothesis of practical significance.
5. Evaluates the results of field experiments and case studies.
6. Summarizes and evaluates areas of new understanding.
7. Presents new insights into major issues within the media and communication.
1. Relevance.
2. Utility.
3. Scope of interest.
4. Organization and coherence.
5. Insight for future work.
The above guidelines must be kept in mind while sending contributions. Contributions that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be considered.
The author(s) should clearly mention under what area of interest the abstract is to be included. Abstract shall be continues text without any paragraphs/sections and references. it should include the name of the authors with designation and workplace. They should adhere to the following:
Length 250-400 words excluding title/cover page and references
Margins 2.5 cm or 1 inch
Font Times New Roman, 12 point
Spacing 1.5 lines
Title page Title, author(s) affiliation(s) , contact details Key words Four The abstract that are approved by the reviewers wills be selected.
- The Manuscripts should be based on original work and should not have been published elsewhere in any form, abridged or otherwise.
- The Authors should submit their full paper as a word file.
- The paper should be mailed to the editor at,
- All papers accepted by the editorial committee will be considered for publication in the Journal.
- The purpose and prospective readers for whom the article has been targeted.
- The significance of your contribution.
- Practicality and usefulness of your work.z
- Implications of the study and identification of future areas of work.
- First level subheading should be left-justified, in upper and lower case, printed in 14-point Times New Roman, boldface.
- Second level subheading should be left-justified, in upper and lower case, printed in 12-point Times New Roman, Italics boldface.
- Third level sub-headings, if necessary, are indented, in upper case on the first word in 10-point Times New Roman italics boldface with no punctuation at the end. The paragraph begins right after the sub-heading.
- Heading and sub-headings will not carry any numbering.
- New paragraphs shall be left justified.
- The body of the paper should follow the abstract. It should be in a single space in 12 point times new roman. Indent every paragraph.
- The text should be set in single space. Double space should be provided for first and second level sub-headings (in other words, leave one blank line). Sub-headings that take more than one line should be single- spaced. There should be no double space between paragraphs.
- Figures an tables should appear as appendices and should be numbered consecutively. The figure or table numbers and description should appear left – justified in 10 point times new roman, boldface at the top. Illustrations, symbols or parts of a figure should be produced graphically.
- The references section, including all citations used must be included in the contribution (APA Style only).