Call for Papers - Volume 6 Number 2

Revisiting Media and Communication Research Traditions in Globalized World

The separation of social scientific 'research' and humanistic ‘studies’ draws lines between theory and empiricism as well as between quantitative and qualitative methods. It was clear that humanistic approaches are more ‘cultural’ in that they rely on qualitative methods and put more emphasis on theories and concepts of symbolic reality than do social approaches, which are more ‘materialist’ and have stronger traditions in the use of quantitative methods and the reliance on empirical data about social realities.” This observation from Juha Herkman is concerning question of this issue. The current status of media and communication research is often stand in crossroads of cultural and material findings. Within this context once can frame following questions?

  1. How far these findings of use and germane to media and communication industry?
  2. How the quality of research have an effect on media industries in globalized world?
  3. What are the differences among methodologies and the confrontation between media theory and empiricism?
  4. How does the researchers responds to the dynamics of media audience and content?

Amity Journal of Media and Communication Studies (AJMCS) invites original and unpublished articles within the above body of works. The papers can be theoretical, analytical or case study. The research can be open to any field of communication and media. But the paper should focus on research trends and methodologies which will provide a ground for studying further media realities.

Full Paper should not more than 4000 words. The papers will be selected after blind review.

The interested authors should send the full paper to by September 15, 2016.